Tutorial: Prepping and Fixing Finecast models


Since I’m currently putting together a Deathwing force for the 2014 HPC, I thought it might be prudent to get a Belial model and paint him up. Unfortunately, this model is only available in the much loathed finecast material. The internet is abound with horror stories about how bad finecast models are, and with good reason. The models are quite pricey and often have many problems. This issue is compounded with the fact that GW stores don’t stock many finecast models that aren’t brand new, so picking through a pile for the best example is often not an option. On the bright side, the material is reasonably easy to work with, and from what I’ve heard GW has a great return policy on them if you aren’t satisfied. Aside from returning models ad nauseam though, you’re likely to settle on an imperfect model. Here are some tips to get it into tip-top shape.

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Painting Fateweaver (part 1)

I’m not a huge fan of large metal models, especially with wings. So, when I decided to finally paint a Fateweaver model (I had proxied my Lord of Change for quite a long while) I opted for the Finecast. Not without problems, but I hoped it would be less prone to breaking.


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Space Marines on Parade


Over the weekend the League of Painters attended a local Warhammer 40K team tournament.  The event also had a painting competition hosted by the game store running the 40k event.  In coordination with the launch of the new Space Marines codex, Olde World Gaming challenged its customers to paint a Space Marine.  Any chapter, loyalist or traitor, on foot, mounted, in terminator armor or in power armor.  Stephen and I both decided to paint librarians.  In fact, this event has spawned a three-part challenge between us (more on that later).
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Snow Basing


I just finished a model for a local painting competition this weekend. A face-off of grand design, or least of models in power armor. While there will be plenty of other good entiries, I’m sure, Stephen and I have a side bet running between his Dark Angels Librarian and my Space Wolves Rune Priest. Finishing touches on the model for me included adding snow on the basing.

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Tutorial – Dark Angels Librarian (Part 1)

lib_coverOlde World Games in Elk Grove is hosting a space marine painting competition and as I don’t have a single painted space marine, but intend to start using dark angels as allies, I decided to paint the librarian from the Dark Vengence starter box.  Firstly, because it’s a very nicely posed and detailed model, but also it gives me a chance to get outside of my comfort zone and try a few different techniques while painting.

I started with the face because it’s probably the most difficult part to reach on this model, so I wanted to make sure I got it right before doing any other part of the model.  The face is generally the first thing a person will look at when they are looking at any model, so it’s important to get it right.  After the face I did a base coat on the armor so that the armor could be distinguished from everything else, and also because the armor tends to be tucked in and hard to get to without getting paint on other parts of the model, so a good place to start.

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